[ our benefits ]

Ambitious Interior with a Successful Concept & Ideas

Live minimalism is not about a ‘wrap’ or visual look. It refers to feeling.

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Offices Pan India

What Can We Offer

Luminscape is a cutting-edge lighting design company that specializes in creating unique and immersive lighting experiences for interior spaces. When working with clients, Luminscape follows a systematic approach to ensure the best results. Here’s an overview of how Luminscape interior works for clients:

3D Visualization

3D sketch of each detail of your future interior.

Individual Project

The basic philosophy of Luminscape is to create individual design.


Initial Consultation

Luminscape begins by conducting an initial consultation with the client.


Concept Development

Based on the client’s input, Luminscape’s design team develops a concept that aligns with the client’s vision.


Lighting Design Proposal

Luminscape presents the lighting design proposal to the client, which includes visual representations, renderings, and detailed plans.


Collaboration and Revisions

Luminscape collaborates closely with the client, incorporating their feedback and making any necessary revisions to the lighting design proposal.


Technical Specifications

Once the lighting design is approved, Luminscape provides the client with detailed technical specifications, including lighting fixture types, specifications, and quantities.


Lighting Installation:

Luminscape can work with the client’s chosen contractors or recommend trusted installation partners to ensure the lighting design is implemented correctly.


Lighting Control Programming

If the project includes advanced lighting control systems, Luminscape can assist in programming and commissioning these systems.


Project Completion and Evaluation

Once the lighting installation is complete, Luminscape conducts a final evaluation to ensure that the design objectives have been met.

[ testimonials ]

How We Do Work?

3D Visualization

3D sketch of each detail of your future interior.